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Franklin Club Member Parts For Sale

The H.H. Franklin Club provides 'For Sale' listings as a service to its members and others.

The H. H. Franklin Club publishes the information listed below solely as a convenience to its members. No endorsement is made by the Club or Region, no claim or warranty is made as to the accuracy of any of this information. No responsibility is assumed for any transactions resulting from this information.

March 13, 2024
Series 9, 10, and 11 Gas gauge

Reproduction, tank mounted, gas gauges made in Australia. This gauge has the gasoline takeoff line built into the gauge. Drawing #28902.
Click here for more information.
Call 704-299-5276 or email: MECProcess@hotmail.com for more information.

July 15, 2023
Brake Drums, Backing Plates, and Brake Shoes

parts From the Richard Harry collection a variety of used brake drums (most with hubs), backing plates (most with shoes and cylinder), and a large collection of shoes (many with linings). View images of drums and backing plates by clicking here to see the next page. Contact Bill Eby at email: weby5320@gmail.com for more information.

April 18, 2020.
Franklin Lion Hood Ornament

Original Franklin Lion Hood Ornament. Sterling and bronze dated 1924 on back. Has been in my family since the 1940's.
Price: $1,000
Contact Ruby Foster. Phone 804 261-5504 or email at: ruby.foster@comcast.net Thank you.

December 7, 2018.
Series 12 and 13 new replacement Zenith updraft carburetors.

Designed to replace the original potmetal Stromberg T-2 on all Series 12A and B, and all potmetal T-2, U-2 used to mid production Series 13. After many decades the original potmetal carbs are cracking and becoming unsafe to use as a result of intergranular corrosion. The potmetal used in the 1920's and early 1930's is porous. It is slowly corroding from within and expanding/cracking.

These are new manufacture, diecast updraft carburetors have the correct size venturi and jetting for all Franklin Series 12A, B, and Series 130. Plus a model is available for the larger Series 135/137 engines.


  • Bench set and ready to bolt-on updraft that uses all the original hand and foot controls.
  • Simple and decades-proven design.
  • Original air filter fits right on.
  • Adjustable idle speed, idle air/fuel mix, and high speed fuel jet, that work the same as the tuning procedures covered in the Franklin Operator’s Manuals.
  • Fuel-proof rubber tipped float needle for leak-free sealing when the engine is shutoff.
  • Same 1/8 inch pipe thread as original fuel line inlet fitting.
  • Vacuum controlled accelerator and power enrichment circuits.
  • Dust seals an throttle and choke butterfly shafts.
  • Comes with new mounting gasket, nuts, and lock washers.

Note, these are not stationary/industrial engine carburetors, like many that are turning up installed as replacements in the past. With these there is no need to over-adjust the main jet too-rich for cruising conditions so as to compensate for being too-lean during acceleration and hill climbing because previous replacement types lacked those fuel circuits. These are specifically designed and sized with all the correct fuel circuits needed to smoothly handle all Franklin driving conditions with the proper air/fuel ratios.

For more info contact,
Paul Fitzpatrick
Email: airiscool@mail.com



May 5, 2017.
Crank Hole Cover.

FOR SALE. I have recently taken a crank hole cover and have had it re-manufactured into a bronze casting with a 3/8"-16 threaded rod on the reverse side. The threaded portion came from the sprue that was formed to get the molten bronze down to the cover area. The casting looks like the dwg. # 45103 from the Franklin Co. library and was cast from an original Franklin crank hole cover. The casting was then painted with a coating of special paint instead of chroming it.

The outline of black that is shown can be applied or the entire casting can be left for the purchaser to get chromed. Cost is $75.00 per cover.

Augie Vorndran III
805 County Line Rd.
Ontario, NY 14519
Email: alf1920@aol.com

Plate Plate


We have recently re-run the following parts projects:

  • Sidedraft engine & V/12 cooling baffles - Hasslen design, proven performance. 8 sets remain $49/set (2 sets required for V/12)
  • Aircraft bronze exhaust guides - factory design guide with modern materials. Superior lubrication, cooler stem temps. longer life. $14.90 each, $89.40 per set. New run, 10 sets available.
  • Tubular pushrod kit - The easiest, most cost effective way to rebuild the valvetrain with the benefit of quieter operation, less strain. Includes new pushrods, new lifters, fitted guides, tube modification, adjusters. Call for details.
  • ** NEW** Spicer universal joint - fits Series 8 through Series 14, 2 per car. These are new Spicer crosses with needle bearings machined to fit the Franklin. Limited run. $37.50 each

Please note parts projects are run on an as-needed basis (as we need 'em, not you) and are available only at limited times. Purchase now to avoid missing out. All parts + shipping & handling. MN residents subject to 6.5% sales tax.

Other new & custom engine parts available. Engine restoration services, insert bearing conversions, camshaft grinding, cylinder & head rebuilding, Proven parts, designs, workmanship. All years, all Series. Please call. Tom Rasmussen, Odyssey Restorations, Inc. 8080 Central Ave. NE Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 763-786-1518 email odyrestorations@aol.com.

1931 Series 15 Spring Pivot Bolt/Bushing Sets January 3, 2013

These bolts fit the 1931 OPEN EYE spring only, used on many, but not all 1931 Franklins. The OPEN EYE springs are identified by the large diameter (approx 1-7/8”) end caps.

1931 153 Open Eye Pivot Bolt Assembly Identification

Bolts are made to original specifications (drawing #53051), are case hardened and ground. Solid 660 bronze bushings replace the OEM steel-backed bushings which badly wore the pivot bolt after the bronze liner was worn.

  • $32.95 per bolt/bushing
  • $130 set of four (one axle)
  • $250 set of eight (complete car)

We needed a set and made some extras. If you have a car with these springs – buy now.

Tom Rasmussen
Odyssey Restorations, Inc.
8080 Central Ave NE
Spring Lake Park, MN 55432


1931 153 Open Eye Pivot Bolt Assembly Identification

Drum Puller -- Something new from Alan Gaskill. A drum Puller.
Price: $ 220. + postage determined by your location and weight.
Deduct 12.00 if you do not need calipers
Deduct 8.00 if you do not need the thread file.
Alan Gaskill 734-516-0234
14375 Ramblewood St.
Livonia, Mich. 48154

Drum puller

DECALS FOR DASH AND CIGAR SET - Looks just the ones Franklin manufactured. This picture shows a green color which is really reproduced as the original gold very well in the decal itself.


These decals were made on a 1.3 million dollar Heidelberg Press which handles the difficult job of printing metallic gold ink Price is $30.00 for complete set of 3 decals plus extra 3 free for experimentation or marking alignment on dash. This will also give you insurance against any problem you might have. Decals will take clear finish without running the ink. These are not water decals but rather high quality prints on sticky material. Looks even better than originals at all viewing angles. Dick guarantees you will be pleased or return the decals for a full refund. Decals would look fine as final touch without any clear coat over them also. Write, call or e-mail Richard M. Gaskill, 14411 Ramblewood St., Livonia,MI 48154, 734.591.2565, email rgaskill7@att.net

Pilots The Franklin manual states: "Use the two PILOTS for lining up the bolts" when changing a wheel and tire. Pictured here are the NEW PILOTS to make your tire changing easier. Order yours today, the set pictured are 9/16" - 18 thread, check yours before ordering.
$30.00 plus postage, determined by distance and weight.
Alan Gaskill 734-516-0234
14375 Ramblewood,
Livonia, MI 48154


Franklin Parts by Hasslen

  • Timing Chains - Series 10 through Series 18
  • Gasket sets for engine rebuild
  • Miscellaneous Gaskets
  • Parts to build Gas Reserve and Supply for Series 10, 11 and 12
  • Porcelain Franklin Service Station signs
  • Fire Wall plates - Series 9 though Series 18
  • Watson Stabilitator plates - three piece and rivets in set
  • Walker body plates
  • Parts to build mufflers - 1907 to Series 8 and 9A, 9B, 10A and 10B
  • New carburetor top for Series 8 though Series 11
  • Series 16 interior door handles
  • Series 12 interior door handles
  • Olympic interior door handles Olympic exterior door handles
  • Belt buckles with Series 12 emblem
  • Felt Valve oiler pads
  • Cast aluminum brake and clutch pedals
  • Series 12, 13, 14 and Olympic hub caps
  • Series 15 and 16 hub caps are in the works now, call for information or to place your order. For more information or to order any of the above call or write Jeff Hasslen, 13311 95th St. NE, Elk River, MN 55330-7418 phone 763-441-7815

High Speed Gears for S-12 through S-19 (except S-17 & 18) December 28, 2008
This is the 4th run, over 100 sets sold, cruise at 60 MPH. We are ready to place the order for these 3.92-1 ring and pinion gear sets. If you have signed up in the past you should get an order form in the mail by the end of the year. If not please contact me for questions and ordering information. Price will be $968.00, ½ deposit at time of order, app. 6 months delivery.

Jeff Hasslen
763-441-7815 evenings and weekends

1929 Franklin right hand tail light stanchions
New castings, machined, ready to paint. $107.00 each, shipping extra. Contact:
George Staley
Dublin Rd.
De Ruyter, NY 13052-9201

Spark coil and ignition instrument water shield
Spark coil and ignition instrument water shield for the Franklin models ranging from 10A-B to 11A-B. The part number in the catalog is #R-3383. I found, with some research, a small shield piece still intact, plans from the club (thanks to Jeff Hasslen), some patience and help from a good friend of mine. If anybody has an original of these I would be very interested to find out. In any case if there is an interest, I could make a short production. These would range in price around $60 to $80 and would be a great complement to the High Tension Rubber Escutcheons part # R-3409 escutcheon sold by the Club. I will bring some samples to the Trek.

Shield conduit Parts book Shield Under shield

Andre Audette
23 Farnham Cr.
Ottawa, ON, K1K 0G1

11A chassis number plate reproduction
A 11A plate reproduction. (Sample of the whole and part of the finish art work.) With John Hasslen's support I have enlarged an original plate digitally 100 times, corrected letters and lines before reducing again to true scale. I am ready to undertake a run which will cost US $30 to $40 a plate, holes included on the correct aluminum thickness and finish (mirror). I need a serious show of interest before undertaking, if possible before the Trek.

Andre Audette
23 Farnham Cr.
Ottawa, ON, K1K 0G1

11a Plate Reproduction