The H.H. Franklin Club, Inc.

Renew your membership in the Franklin Club to continue to receive three copies of the Club's publication Air Cooled News, copies of the Franklin Service Station newsletter, access to technical factory literature and drawings, and other club benefits.

Family Membership - US...............$40.00
Family Membership - Canada Only......$50.00
Family Membership - International....$60.00

Please supply the following information
Click Submit when done to start payment process.

* Indicates required fields

* Full Name:
Spouse/Significant Other:
* Type of Membership:
* Address:
* City/Town:
* State/Province:
* Zip Code +4/Postal Code:  
* E-mail:
Are you giving this membership to the person(s) above
as a gift? If so enter your name:

Do you agree to having your telephone number(s) listed in the Directory?
If so, please list the numbers below.
Home: Cell:

Update any Franklin Cars owned, acquired, or disposed of, or other Air Cooled Cars (1942 or older):
I do not currently own a Franklin: 

So that the club can update the Franklin Registry, please list below any Franklins that you have acquired recently:
Car 1: 
Body Style
Serial #1
Engine #1
Former Owner
Body Builder Plate
Car 2: 
Body Style
Serial #1
Engine #1
Former Owner
Body Builder Plate

So that the club can update the Franklin Registry, please list below any Franklins that you don't have anymore:
Car 1: 
Body Style
Serial #1
Engine #1
New Owner
Body Builder Plate
Car 2: 
Body Style
Serial #1
Engine #1
New Owner
Body Builder Plate
1Location of numbers:
Serial #s
- up through series 8 are on a metal plate on chassis cross sill. On series 9 are on metal plate on left support of gas tank. Series 10 and later cars on a metal plate on the engine side of the firewall under the hood.
Engine #s - up through series 8 are on top of the crankcase in front of the #1 valve lifter tube, or on the right side of the crankcase at #5 base. Series 9 are on crankcase near bottom of oil filter. Series 10 and later are on crankcase on right or left base of #2 cylinder or above generator. Body Data Plate - if any, under floormat inside driver's door.
2Condition code for cars listed:
FR=restored, PR=partly restored O=original, P=parts car, R=rough

If you are not a robot: How is a Franklin cooled (Hint - it's not water)?